Here are 7 misconceptions that pro-gun advocates are publicizing:
1. Additional guns will bring
less homicides.
Untrue. There is a solid link between high levels of gun possession
and greater murder rates. A November 2013 study in the American Journal of Public Health found that despite not finding a connection,
they discovered "states with higher rates of gun ownership had
disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related
homicides." After considering data from all 50 states from 1981 to
2010, the journal found that firearm ownership is a "significant
predictor" of gun related murder rates, so that each time ownership increases
by a percentage point, the murder rises by 0.9%.1
2. Nobody supports gun control.
Incorrect. A May 2014 national study conducted at the
University of Massachusetts Lowell Center found that 78% of Americans favor
tougher gun control laws, including more stringent background checks and
psychological testing of gun purchasers. Regrettably, gun lobbyists have unlimited
financial resources for preventing gun laws from being passed and have a strangle
hold on law makers.2
3. The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbids stringent firearm
Untrue. In the U.S. Supreme Court ruling District of Columbia v. Heller (2008).
The high court found that gun ownership bans were unconstitutional, but they also
noted that state and federal agencies had flexibility in how they each can control
gun ownership. For example - this meant that subjects such as forbidding guns
in public places, could be part of firearm control laws without contradicting
the constitution.
4. There are no links between gun control and less violence.
Wrong. In 2011 Economist Richard Florida refuted this
theory by finding a strong link between harsh regulations and fewer deaths. He said,
"States which have one of three gun control restrictions in place such as assault
weapons bans, trigger locks or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths
are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though
the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between
firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons, require trigger locks and
mandate safe storage requirements for guns."3
5. If more people have guns, there will be fewer mass shootings.
False. Firearm ownership in America may be increasing, but
most of the mass shootings in the U.S. have occurred since 2007 and includes Virginia
Tech, the Aurora shooting, and the Newtown tragedy.4
6. Having a gun makes you safe.
Untrue. In a 2009 study published by the American Journal
of Public Health, scholars discovered that those
that those who possess firearms are more likely to get shot than people who do
not have guns. The study determined, "Although successful defensive gun
uses occur each year, the probability of success may be low for civilian gun
users in urban areas. Such users should reconsider their possession of guns or,
at least, understand that regular possession necessitates careful safety
countermeasures." The study also found that the odds of an assault victim
being shot if he was carrying a gun were 4.5 times greater, and the
chances of him getting killed were 4.2 times greater. And in 2011, almost 10
times more people were shot and killed in quarrels than by citizens trying to
prevent a crime.5
7. Countries such as Israel and Switzerland have high levels of firearm ownership,
yet they have low rates of gun related violence and we should pattern ourselves
after these nations.
Incorrect. Gun advocates point to Israel and Switzerland
as proof that fewer mass shootings are the result of allowing guns and
encouraging armed civilians to intercept shooters. Janet Rosenbaum, an
assistant professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the
State University of New York Downstate Medical Center School,
researched firearm ownership and access in Israel and Switzerland. Her study
found that gun ownership in both countries is rigorously controlled and is not encouraged.
Compared with the U.S., Israel and Switzerland have lower gun ownership rates.
Israel, where radical reforms for gun ownership were put into place in 2006,
saw a decrease of 40% of suicide among soldiers. Consider that alongside the
fact that Israel sends almost all of its youth to the army. Rosenbaum wrote that
since gun ownership regulations have gotten more severe, "the lack of guns
promotes the lack of firearm violence." Israelis may still be committing
acts of violence, but they are certainly not using lethal firearms to do so.6
There is no doubt that the gun debate is being spotlighted
in the new media right now and is a highly controversial subject, but with all
this data and facts at our disposal, we have to wonder why our elected
officials are still sitting on their hands and doing nothing to support change. We
as a nation need to rise up and make sure something is done. If we sit back
and do nothing, nothing will be accomplished. The madness needs to end and It begins with one person and one
vote. We the silent majority can no longer afford to be mute. Action begins
now, contact your local congressmen and voice your concerns. You can also support
and join organizations such as The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ( or The Brady
Center to Prevent Gun Violence (
Start local and think global to make a change.
References –
1Michael Siegel, Craig S. Ross, and Charles
King III. “The Relationship Between Gun
Ownership and
Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981–2010.” American
Journal of
Public Health. November 2013. Accessed 18 June 2014.
Patrick. “UMass – Lowell Survey Shows Most Americans Support Increased
Restrictions.”, November
2013. Accessed 18 June 2014.
3Florida, Richard. “The Geography of Gun
Deaths.” The Atlantic, 13 January
Accessed 18
June 2014.
4Washington Post. “Deadliest U.S. Shootings.”, 23 September 2013.
Accessed 18
June 2014.
5Charles C. Branas,
Therese S. Richmond, Dennis P. Culhane, Thomas
R. Ten Have, and Douglas J.
Wiebe. “Investigating the Link
Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault.” American Journal of Public Health, November 2009. Accessed 18 June 2014.
6Rosenbaum, Janet. “Gun Utopias? Firearm
Access and Ownership in Israel & Switzerland.”
PMC U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institute of Health, 17 November 2011. Accessed 18 June 2014.
Michael Thomas Barry is a columnist for and is the author of numerous books that includes Murder and Mayhem 52 Crimes that Shocked Early California, 1849-1949. The book was the winner of the 2012 International Book Awards and finalist in the 2012 National Indie Excellence Awards. His book can be purchased from Amazon through the following link:
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